Is Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus Right for You?

Toenail fungus infections are easy to contract but oftentimes difficult to treat. This is a common annoyance for many patients who struggle with infected nails. Though many of the symptoms appear to be primarily cosmetic, anyone who has experienced a fungal infection knows that the condition is much more than just brittle, yellow nails. In fact, some infections can be very painful, and the affected nails may even separate from the nail bed. If at-home care and over-the-counter products aren’t effective in curing your fungal infection, a local podiatrist can help. Oral antifungal drugs, such as Lamisil, are a common…
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Want Clearer Nails in the Future? Start Now!

For clearer nails, start your treatment today. Fungal toenails are often a stubborn, long-time companion for many patients. While they don’t often cause any pain, they can definitely be responsible for some emotional trauma. Self-consciousness and constant concealment of afflicted toes is not the happiest way to go through life. The good news is that toenail fungus is treatable. The bad news is, it can take several months for the fungus inside a nail to be killed within its fortress. However, even when the fungus is fully eradicated, the thick, brittle battlefield of the infected nail tissue remains. New, clearer…
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Fungal Toenails…I’m Tired of These Embarrassing Toenails!

Fungal Toenails…I’m Tired of These Embarrassing Toenails!

Onychomycosis, or toenail fungus, is a problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Onychomycosis can be mild and only a cosmetic concern — but for many, the nail changes that occur develop dangerously thick, sharp, malodorous fungal toenails which can result in pain and can sometimes result in secondary bacterial infections. Most cases of toenail fungus are notoriously difficult to eliminate, mostly because the fungus resides throughout the nail, and even on the nail bed beneath it. The structure of the nail itself is not easily penetrated by topical agents, which makes topical treatments less effective than oral antifungal medicines.…
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