Our Hyper Blue Laser will get your nails back to their old glow in approximately three treatments depending on the severity of the infection. The laser uses wavelengths that will penetrate the nail and safely kill the organisms embedded in the nail bed that cause Onychomycosis – more commonly known as toenail fungus.
The procedure requires a small number of safe, quick treatments with little or no discomfort and is performed as an outpatient service with no anesthesia. The gentle laser light beam has no effect on healthy tissue and treats only the infected area of the toe.
- The fungal laser treatment involves very little discomfort as the pulses of energy delivered from the laser penetrate through the nail plate and kill the fungus in the nail bed.
- Our most effective protocol is three treatments per affected nail approximately 5 weeks apart. After treatment, a nail takes 10-12 months to grow a new, healthier nail.
- The nail treatment is painless, with only a warming sensation noted.
Schedule a comprehensive evaluation today. Click here to schedule an appointment.
Our Podiatrists Offer State-of-the-Art Laser Therapy for Nail Fungus
How does the laser work? The laser light passes through the toenail without causing damage to the nail or the surrounding skin. At the time of the procedure, the toenail will not become instantly clear, it takes time to grow out.
What can I expect in the provider’s office? A consultation with your provider, the procedure to be performed and any follow-up visits as prescribed by your provider.
Is the procedure painful? Most people feel no pain. Some people feel a warming sensation.
Is there a recovery period? No. Just walk in and walk out.
How long does the procedure take? The laser procedure takes less than 20 minutes.
Will the fungus come back? Your provider will recommend care techniques to reduce recurrence of the infection. There is a chance of reinfection because the fungus is present everywhere in the environment. Preventative maintenance treatments are also recommended.
When can I paint my nails or have a pedicure? You can apply polish immediately after the treatment. It is important to remove all nail polish and nail decorations the day before your treatment.
How do I pay for the treatment? Credit cards, cash, money orders are all accepted. You may also use your Medical IRA, Health Savings or Flexible Spending Account.
Is this covered by my insurance? In most situations, this procedure is considered aesthetic and therefore health insurance plans do not provide coverage.